Far East Special - Part 3
Why haven't you heard the gospel of Jesus Christ? The same gospel that Jesus himself proclaimed? You've been hearing a lot about a gospel, but you've been hearing a gospel of men about Christ, not the gospel that Christ preached or the gospel of Christ, but a gospel of men. Within about 22 years after Jesus was crucified, a different gospel was being proclaimed to the world. Let me read it to you in your Bible. You'l ...
WHY are we not more successful in living up to God's standard? WHY do we slip and fall occasionally? Here is how YOU can overcome where you are weakest and hardest tempted! DO YOU have some "besetting ...
THE BEGINNING AND growth of this era of the true Church of God IS the story of a beginning amid the very depth of the worst economic depression within the memory of man today. Its beginning was ...
A promised time of peace and prosperity is just around the corner. Christ will soon begin His reign with the resurrected saints ruling with Him. But where shall they rule? In heaven? Or on earth? And ...
God's Sacred Calendar 71-72
A new and true calendar, combined with the Roman calendar so widely used by today's Christian-professing world. HERE IS the true calendar for all mankind. Its principles go back to the very first chapter of the Bible where th ...
MINISTUDY: What It Means to Be Born Again
Nicodemus was a high-ranking Pharisee deeply interested in the teachings of Jesus Christ. One night he came to Jesus secretly, not wanting to be seen talking to Him. During that meeting, Jesus revealed a profound truth -somet ...
Now then let's go back to Job the 27th chapter again and let's notice a few things here about Job and then we will begin to find out some of Job's problems. Here in Job 27 and let's pick it up in verse 1 (Job 27:1), and here is Job is talking to his 3 friends after they had been accusing him of various things, "Moreover Job continued his parable, and said, As God liveth, who hath taken away my jud ...