Law and Grace
Why is it, my friends, if people are already saved when they accept Christ, why is it that God doesn't take the new converts immediately to heaven, if heaven is where they are to go? If heaven is the reward of the Christian, and you need to really search your Bible to see whether you can find a definite promise anywhere there that it is. Why must the professing Christian live on after he is completely saved? ...
April 27, 2024
Join us for Sabbath services. Each Sabbath we post a Sabbath service at 7:00PM (CT-USA) Friday Evening (Sabbath sunset to sunset). You provide the opening and closing prayer and we'll supply the psalms and messages! Hope you enjoy them!

Holy Day services are also provided on all of God's Holy Days.

Sabbath Service

The letter was written by a young boy named Peter. He had been taught about God - told God would protect, preserve, heal. But his brother, Tommy, was dead. Why? Why does God allow tragedy? Why ...
What Is the Mark of the Beast? Better be sure whether this brand is upon you! Without it, no man will be able to buy or sell! Without it, you may be tortured even to death! But with it, you shall suff ...
Why is a resurrection necessary if man has an immortal soul? If we are saved by the death of Christ, why did Jesus have to be resurrected? TODAY WE live in a time of world revolution. We hear talk abo ...
The Seven Laws of Success
WHY are only the very few - women as well as men - successful in life? Just what is success? Here is the surprising answer to life's most difficult problem, proving that NO HUMAN NEED EVER BECOME A FAILURE! All who have succe ...
Doctrinal Outlines - God's Purpose for Creating Man
That's Incredible! was the name of a popular American television program. It specialized in showing the viewer unusual and spectacular - that is, incredible - stunts, people and events. This show dealt, of course, only in the ...
Now I have been speaking the last several times I've been here, and in other Churches also, going right back to the beginning in the Garden of Eden. God has been revealing new truth to us. It's not new truth. It's truth that's been new for a long, long time. But God's truth is always new, by the way. It never gets old. It's not old truth. It's perpetually new; but a lot of it is new to us, because ...